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Patch 1.1 and 1.23 installation

What you need:


1. Now you are ready to start! Open your WKB main folder (for example: C:/Programmfiles (x86)/Empire Interactiv/ Warrior Kings - Battles) and create a new folder and call it "Backup". Put your current Warrior Kings Battles.exe, you normally start the game with in this folder.


2. Now copy the Patch 1.1 file and put it into the main WKB Folder. Doubleclick it and the patch should be installed correctly. The patch 1_1.bcp file, indicates that everything worked. You are nearly finished!


3. Next put the Warrior_Kings_Battles Fix.exe (you need Winrar/7zip to extract it) into the WKB location and rename it to Warrior Kings Battles.exe, you may have to overwrite the old one so click "Yes" if a Message appears. Now you are finished, just start the game by clicking to the Fixed exe and you should see "1.23" on the lower-right-side-corner.


Do not try to install patch 1.23, the exe is everything the patch changes!

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