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How to play Online

The offical servers of Gamespy (the service Warrior Kings - Battles used to offer multiplayer) went offline a long time ago. But you can still play online, with a VPN (virtual private network). It is like if you plan via LAN, but through the internet.


To get ready you need to download Hamachi first. This is the porgramm "offically" used by the Warrior Kings Community. Of course there are other such programs out there and you are free to choose.


After you downloaded and installed Hamachi and chose the name of your desire you can click on "Network --> Join existing network" to join a network. The name and password of the network is given by the host, or the other players. Visit the Community to find players, or to join an event. You can also create an own network very easy by clicking on

"Network --> Create new network". I think it is very easy to handle.


Then the host needs to start Warrior Kings Battles go to "Muliplayer". You should be at the LAN tab automatically. Choose a server name and click on "Create" to create a session. All the other players also need to start WKB and go to "Multiplayer". Then click on "Join IP Address" and type in the HAMACHI-IP of the hoster. To get this IP  switch to Hamachi find the name of the hoster. Beside his name you can see his IP-address.

Done! Enjoy your Battle!


You are not able to join? Don't worry this is what you can do to fix it:

  • Disable your firewall

  • Try to ping (right click on the name and click ping) the host on hamachi if you get a response it should work

  • Increase the priotry of the hamachi network, so warrior kings is forced to use the hamachi IP as the primary IP address

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